Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Just completed my Erasmus Year Abroad - time to twiddle my thumbs and wait until Uni starts again in September?

Hail no.

Like many undergrads, school leavers and even graduates I have made it my absolute mission to ensure my summer break isn't a 'wasted' one. By wasted, I mean full of lovely lie ins, spontaneous trips to the park (weather willing) and carefree shopping sprees (wallet willing) with my girls. So basically, to make sure my summer holiday is not a holiday at all. After coming to terms with the sad, sad truth that grown-ups don't get 3 months off in the summer but actually have to keep working (shock!) I figured I may as well ease myself into adulthood by keeping busy in the summer.

I've snagged myself a rather good gig at a digital television station and hope to be starting there next week *screams*. I'm rather nervous as I'm not very good at water-cooler talk and can be rather awkward at times (e.g realising someone is saying 'hi' 3 seconds too late and I react about 10 seconds later leaving me awkwardly grinning like a twat to myself. The other person thinks I'm rude and strangers think I'm mentally ill. Perfect). 

However, I'm not letting my cynical brain chat me out of this one! Bring on the awkward Did-you-see-that-on-the-telly-last-night conversations, packed lunch spillages and endless tea and coffee runs!  

P.S So I jumped on le bandwagon and studded the leather jacket. It was that or chuck it away (i.e leave it in the corners of my wardrobe) and splash out on a new one. I still would like another, but for now, I think it's better to be responsible and shop my closet. I hate that phrase... so corny.

P.P.S Mum and I got a new juicer *screams* I shall now become one of those insufferable people who goes on about how amazing juicing is.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll do fine :) Quick question: What would be your advice for someone looking to gain some sort of internship next summer, when they don't really have much experience in the first place? And one last thing, since you're studying French, what's the best way to improve your French accent? (I think I should've emailed you instead, rather than leave an essay in the comments section -.-)

P.s I really really like your blog ^_^


Lovely blog miss :) Your jacket is amaizing! x

María Rubio said...

love this outfit!!
great lipstick =)


Maria said...

That neon yellow with a leather jacket - mmm too good!

Shelly said...

Your are lovely dear! Actually I'm looking for the same boots! tks you for your lovely comment

Much Love, ThePeppyMay

Jacquie said...

thanks, for the comments, i'll stop by your blogs! and i'll write up a response to the first comment in a blogpost :)


maphi bayolo said...

love the outfit , so edgy xoxo