Sunday, 13 May 2012


This was Linner. I woke up way to late to have a proper brekkie so all my meals were hours after I should have eaten them!
Yesterday I had the most magical day EVER! I went to the Mecca of princess-obsessed, magic-museing children everywhere... DISNEYLAND! Oh my goodness I was such a wreck the whole day, tears of joy one moment, then screams of fear the next. I'm still in the process of editing and cropping and enhancing (and anyotherwordwhichexplainsawayofusingsoftwareprogramestodisguisemypoorphotographyskills) the images I captured yesterday and they shall be up soon!

I had a rather chill day in, tidying my room, doing a bit of Internet-ing and pasta-eating.

Hier, je suis allée chez Mickey Mouse - Disneyland Paris!!! J'ai été complètement amoureuse avec le monde de Disney. Je suis en train de modifier les photos et je vais mettre sur le blog demain. Mais aujourd'hui je restais chez moi - une journée très tranquille! J'ai nettoyé ma chambre (je ne suis pas fini mais ça marche hehe).

Bisous x

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