Friday, 13 January 2012

Iron Maybe

In other news, it seems like my longstanding fight against purchasing an iron may finally be lost. As much as I hate to admit it, I need one! My cotton shirts are seriously crumpled and shabby looking... and not in a cool way. But my goodness, ironing has to be the most tedious chore ever - I heard it ruins your clothes? That's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

I have moved back to France after a well-enjoyed Christmas break and have been greeted with... exams.

One everyday. Perfect. 

Exams = Scary. Exams in Foreign Language = Impossible.

I am loving the necklace from F21 which I wrote about previously here, Topshop jeans and boots, vintage cardi and H&M crumpled cotton shirt


Promise said...

So didn't know you studied abroad, what's it like?...x

Jacquie said...

I can even begin to describe it lol - I'm currently film some vlogs about it!


Anonymous said...

Nice and casual outfit, I Like.


love the red, great hair