Monday, 15 August 2011

Up the Amp


Guys, I am seriously in love with my new lipstick from Mac. I didn't think such a bright colour could become a staple for me, but it is. It's nice to have such a juicy flavour on my lips (yeah I re-read that and deemed it suitable to publish on the internet smh)

Just thought I'd give you guys a better look - do you have a favourite lippy?


Cad said...

This color looks so great on you!
I've got a similar color and don't seem to get much wear out of it...
Usually I stick with reds, if I wear any lipstick.


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful colour. Looks fantastic on you.
I have such a hard time trying to find a lipstick that suits me nearly as well.

Deer. Lady

Ola said...

One of my fav lipsticks & you pull it off so well.


Lolli Lewis said...

you look soo stunning! this lip colour really suits you!

x x

Jen said...

colour is very nice on you.
fav lippy is MAC Ruby Woo.

J x